About Me
Why a blog?
This blog was born out of and Uni class. ‘social networking for information professionals’. I had a personal blog for many years but when I went back to Uni that blog fell by the wayside. When I was required to create an ‘Online Learning Journal’ I was reminded how much I enjoy blogging.
Why The Unlikely Librarian?
For over 15 years I was a visual merchandiser, but I was hating it. My husband made a comment that I spend so much time at the library I should see what it takes to work there. I looked into to it, found a TAFE course, signed up, started classes and loved it. But all of my co-workers were surprised at my career change. I am too loud, to contemporary, like strange music and art. How would I fit into a library setting? After many years of being a fashion gal I jumped ship and started working in a public library. But 6 years later the call of education was too strong. I found a job close to home at a school library and I went to go back to university to finish out my librarianship. That brings us up to now. I am lucky enough to work in a supportive library where I can get kids excited about reading while also honing my techie skills on the library web site.