Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Entry 1

A. What is social networking:

In 2010, social networking consists of a variety of technologies that allow people to connect and share (although I would argue that the backyard BBQ is also a form of 'social networking'). Some of these spaces have a theme or topic like Flickr (for photography) or LinkedIn (for professionals) while others Facebook and My Space are for general socializing.

B. Social networking technologies and sites I use:

Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Linkedin, You Tube, delicious, Google chat, Google Reader (which I would consider 'social networking' because you can share links with others), Windows Messenger and I have a Wordpress blog (but it has been pretty quiet at my blog since I've gone back to Uni).

Over the years I have been on a number of social bulletin boards (craft ones, a wedding one and one for ExPats). I have also contributed to Wikipedia and have used wikis for work and other personal projects.

C. What I expect to learn in INF206:

I'm very interested in technologies and how we in the library industry can use them to our advantage. In INF206 I am hoping to gain a deeper understanding of social networking tools by looking at them with a critical eye. I'm also hoping to learn about the future of social networking and connect with others who are interested in this subject.


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